Tuesday, February 28, 2012

In case you've missed!

Hello everyone!

So, for the past little while, it's been a little hard for me to sit down and write out specifically things that I've been doing, up to, and how I've been.  I'm particularly vexed by this, since I know there are people out there who want to know how I'm doing, and what I've been up to.  So, I finally said, what the heck!  I'll at least write something about how I'm sad I haven't done something, and try to give a glimpse of stuff.

Click through the jump to get a picture of my life here at YWAMSF

Though I haven't been able to sit down and intentionally write something saying how I've been, I have been active on the web on Facebook, Twitter, etc. throwing up little snippets of my life in missions.  I stumbled upon something today that gives a little picture of life in the past year.  Did you know you can copy a URL from a specific album that Facebook lays over the map that shows where you've been?  Either did I!  But, if this works correctly, it should (if you're logged into facebook and are my friend) show a map with an album of all my pics tagged at YWAM San Francisco.  Thumbing through, I felt like I was seeing where I was, so in a sense, I was.  And so can you. Click through the link to check it out:

Jon Owen at YWAM San Francisco

This past year at YWAMSF has been wonderful.  It's been full of awesome ministry, growing with a great community, and trying best to see God reach this beautiful city, as I want Him to be known anywhere and everywhere.  It's been a year of struggle, but a year of triumph.  I can honestly say I've had one of, if not the, best year of my life.

As you all know, I've been working in the Communications Department of YWAM San Francisco, trying to grow the awareness the of the efforts we're doing here in the city.  It's my heart to see people become involved, see the big picture, and really get inspired for God's moving in the city.  It's been a challenge as, well, YWAMSF didn't have a Communications Department before I came here.  And, even now, I am the Communications Department.  So, basically for the past 1.5 years, I've been trying my best to form what a Comm Dept looks like here in SF, and carry any administrative load that needs to get done so we can do any of the things we do in the city.  Let's just say, there is an annoying amount of stuff that needs to get done behind the scenes in order for a structured organization to minister in a visible way to the community in the way we are.  Legality, administration, web presence, physical presence, inter-organizational communication, an actual Network so out computers work, paperwork displayed so people know what the heck they're doing in a new role, and on and on.  It's been my blessing and my burden to be part of making these things happen.  From the smallest of things like designing and posting signs, to designing our newsletter that goes out to a couple 1,000 people, God's given me such a gift to be involved here.

In the past year, I've been stretched by Christ in ways I couldn't even have imagined.  At 22 now, it's so hard to imagine the 18, 19, 20 year old self that struggled with apathy, struggled with laziness, boredom.  In all honesty and transparency, I sometimes feel woefully disconnected with the rest of my generation when I read magazines like Relevant, especially with their spin-off Reject Apathy.  I've been so busy this last year, and so concentrated on my work here in SF.  But it's so freeing, that my problems come with overwork, and my burden gets to be that I want more to see Christ spread in the city and the world, and not only that it is, but is also feels that it is, and I'm sure that it is.  So, I guess I can say, if you ever want to stop struggling with apathy, come do missions in SF!  It won't be long until that's a pipe dream away.

I just want to take time, too to say thank you so much to everyone who's out there supporting me.  I don't even know how many people actually read this blog, my intimidated-overachiever-mind tells me millions, and my doleful-depreciating-mind tells me no one but a room of cobwebs, but I appreciate every eye that lays on these words.  You're my champions, you're my friends, and my support.  Without your prayers, so much I do wouldn't be possible, and without your prayer protection, I can't imagine where I'd be.  Please always feel free to write or call anytime you need prayer for anything.  And if you think about it, write me and let me know you read this!  It's good to hear every once in a while that you're seen.  I may not be oceans away, but in the middle of the Tenderlon District of San Francisco, in my work and in my ministry, so micro-ed down, it can feel like I'm a million miles away from those I miss and dearly love.

Thank you all for your awesomeness.  You are the truly the beloved of God.

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