Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christ in the Mundane

Tea is an everyday fixture in my office routine.
It's been a year+ now of trying to figure out what it means to be the Communications Director of YWAM San Francisco.  Going into this year, it's crazy to think of all the ways I've grown in my current phase of life.  When at home, I was hanging out with my friend Josh one day.  Him and his fiance made the comment that I was so much more helpful than I used to be.  It was such an odd thing to think of.  As I've been with myself this whole time, it's easy to not see these kinds of changes.  But when someone points it out, it's such an endless blessing.

Someone pointed out recently that I'm my worst critic.  That was an odd revelation to think about.  I've always kind of known, but I supposed realized it in a new way when they said it.  Lately, many of the things I've been doing have been seemingly mundane.  Being done producing the end of year newsletter, I've been creating informative signs for around the base, creating pages on the website, entering data into our database and copying data from websites for a project our Base Director's working on.

It's been hard to feel like what I'm doing is really making a difference in the big picture of things.  But that's one thing Christ has been teaching me in the last season:  He's even in the mundane.  No matter how hard my days have been this last year, and no matter how mundane I feel the things I'm doing are, I always feel this immense sense of Christ's presence in my actions and by my side.  He speaks to me, counciling me in the work He has for me.  He comforts me, "This is what I have for you to do.  Even this, this mundane task, is furthering My Kingdom."  Even when I feel like there's no thanks for the work that I'm doing, and even when most of it is too small and in between for people to realize what it is or how important it is, He's there, letting me know that it's right; that I'm right there in His presence.

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