Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Prayer // March

Hello!  And greetings on this mild March day in SF.  It's so odd to think that we're already three months into the year.  Being out here, it seems like time passes by so much faster.  Is it because of ministry, because I'm getting older?  I don't know.  Either way, here's how you can be praying for me this month.


•Pray for our Event.  YWAMSF is having what we call a Community Night on the 16th.  I'm in charge of promoting everything, making and managing the facebook event page; page on our website; designing, printing, and distributing flyers and posters; and basically making sure that I we can get as many people to attend.  You can find out more about it here, but I haven't been as vocal about it to the broad community, since it's an event in the city.  Pray that people would show up and really get the whole experience.  It's kind of my first time promoting something to this degree, so I'm really praying I can do well.

•Our Newsletter.  YWAMSF's email newsletter comes out this March, and I'm in charge of making it.  If you're on my mailing list, chances are you'll get it.  But, what you may not've known is, I make it!  Pray that I'd be able to get everything in on time so the broader community can hear an accurate telling of everything YWASF's doing in the city.

•Pray for provision.  Since moving to the city, I've raised a certain amount of support (around maybe $600 monthly) to be able to live.  Since moving here though, I've realized that's only enough to just live.  I'm torn, because I feel guilty asking people for more since I'm able to subsist on it.  But I'm also torn since I feel like I wouldn't be able to branch out into any other part of ministry if He called me to.


•The Winter DTS is here, and they're doing really well.  9 students came earlier in February to learn more and experience God in a way I did back in 2008.  So far, their school has been going really well.

•I got a new supporter!  God is good.  This goes with what I was saying up a bit.  I've felt guilty about the idea of asking for more support, and I didn't feel like I could rationalize it because I'm able to subsist.  But at the same time, I feel like God was prompting me to try to increase my finances.  I prayed and told Him I needed some kind of showing that He would provide, and that my asking isn't bad or wrong.  Two days later, a friend of mine texts me telling me they're going to support me!  It was such an answer to prayer, in God showing me I shouldn't be guilty asking for what He's asked me to have.

•Life is just good, it's just good!

So, that's a little about March in a snapshot.  I guess it's a little verbose.  Next time I'll try to make prayer requests concise.  This kinda ended up just being a blog, ha.

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