Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ruminating on Communicating

YWAM San Francisco for our Thursday Food Pantry. Members of the community line up to receive food from warm smiles and loving hands 

Since my job here at YWAM San Francisco, as I see it, is to communicate missions, I figured I'd ruminate a bit on my vision form my path in the missions field.  Fluidity is an aspect best noticed in YWAM, as it seems everyone's titles are self-given in the fields they'd otherwise be known for in a more 'professional' sense.  With corporations, each person has a role, and aims to complete that role, and is satisfied when they do.  Here, It's far more about the mission.  As a base, we all have common goals, and work together to make sure they're accomplished, which often means people taking on tasks that they wouldn't normally in a corporate setting (harken: "This isn't what I signed up for!", is null and void).  As that stands, it's one of my goals as one of my roles to be able to take the work load people end up doing because it needs to get done, and take it myself when it falls into the camp of "Communications".  That often can end up being boring stuff like data entry, but can be exciting, like setting up systems to make sure we have good correspondence with people once they've left.

As a missions communicator, it's my passion to see that the opportunity for people to partake in world and local missions is spread as effectively and efficiently as possible.  I want not only to see to it that everyone in my immediate environment at YWAMSF is able to serve effectively, but that others from all spheres feel welcome into becoming a part of this missional experience.  As it was YWAM's original vision, to see young people engaged in missions experiences in opportunities they previously didn't have, I want to see people come face to face with missions, and face to face with a loving, justice seeking Jesus to have their lives transformed and transform others.  That's my goal here at YWAM San Francisco.

It's been a rough first year, learning my way as it goes, and I feel sometimes the biggest thing I've learned is that I have a long way to go.  But in spite of that, I press on, to see what God has for me to accomplish in San Francisco & the Bay Area.  As well, I apologize to those keeping tabs on me for my lack of communication.  Had I known ahead of time how enmired in the work I am doing I would be, I would have set up a system of how better to stay in contact.  I look forward to the winter months, when I get a little respit, to plan things out, contact people, and speak on how I've been aiding the cause in SF.

YWAM San Francisco, year one, has been the most possibly stretching experience of my entire life.  I have, jammed into one, learned more about what it means to be an adult, what it means to be a missionary, what it means to be a Christ follower, and what it means to serve and sacrifice, in this one year it seems more than my entire life.  This has been the most testing, and most challenging year.  I know and can see that there are things along the way that haven't formed correctly –things I'll have to work out alongside Jesus– but I have seen, so egregiously more abundantly, growth in my understanding of the nature of God, and view of the world view Christ holds in heart.  I really hope, and deeply know, that these things will carry with my for the rest of my life.

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